Friday, March 11, 2011

Gum Tips

Koala's Juicy Gum Tips are snippets of what has happened in my week. Metaphorically speaking these snippets are the tips of the leaf not the whole leaf. The Leaf being my week.

#1. Legolas has started his new job. It is at a retail store, one of those shops that sell a wide range of products for a cheap price; most being under $10.

#2. Halt started his Soccer Refereeing course on Monday.

#3. I finished my Essay on Father John Joseph Therry.

#4. We got my computer up and running. I am typing this on it now.

#5. I am driving often now I have my P's.

#6. We have begun painting the little boy's room. I spent three hours yesterday painting the undercoat on the walls. Dad is painting the second coat on the roof as I type.

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